Saturday, January 7, 2012

Randi's Speaking Fees go to the JREF?

DJ Grothe, in defending the JREF's appeal for donations on their discussion forum, informed the membership, "for those interested, it should be noted that 100% of Randi's speaking fees and honoraria go to the foundation."

Really? Mr. Randi is paid $190,000 per year from the Foundation. Would it cross anyone's mind that any fees Mr. Randi receives for his JREF speaking engagements would go anywhere else but to the foundation? It seems kind of silly to point this out, but perhaps it reflects something in their thinking.

I wonder where Mr. Randi's book royalties go? The JREF's tax returns state that Mr. Randi works 40 hours per week for the foundation. His salary is certainly very high, so one would expect more than just 40 hours per week. When does he find time to work on his books? Does he work on them during JREF time? If so, that doesn't seem like a good use of his time or the foundation's resources.

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