Some people feel like discussion about the Amanda Knox thread on the JREF has been squelched. Others point out that people can still discuss it - the thread is just moderated. Technically true but not really the point.
In the two months before the thread went on moderated status, there were about 10,000 posts. In the two months after that there were about 1,200 posts. Hmmm. In the two weeks before moderated status, there were about 1,300 posts. In the two weeks after, about 300. Hmmm.
As for posts getting dumped to AAH, of the 10,000 or so posts in the two months leading up to moderation there were about 120 dumped to AAH. Some of them were clearly baby with the bathwater posts. Others were bickering. Most, however, were the kind of borderline posts that nobody except the moderators knows would be left to stand. Either people don't bother to report them or if they do, the mods figure they are not worthy of action.
vBulletin, the software that the JREF uses for the forums, has the ability to show that a post has been reported. It's trivial to do, and it is not expensive (disk/CPU) to do. It sure would make discussions about what is and is not acceptable a lot easier if members could know what was reported.
According to LashL, the majority of the Knox reports resulted in no action. As I have demonstrated in another post and someone added to with comments, the Knox threads as a percentage of posts are really not all that bad in terms of rule violations. The last two months were not bad at all (about 1% going to AAH).
If this is about the report volume being too high, then deal with the individuals making the reports or bring on more moderators. Aw, heck, just get the current mods more active. It seems like several of the moderators do very little moderating that we can see.